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Services Page Copywriting Guide

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Your Services Page is likely the 2nd or 3rd touchpoint a prospect has with your brand. They want to find out more, but don’t necessarily have a good idea what you do. In this light, give prospects a top-level view of what you do and the unique value you offer.

This guide is designed to give you a framework on how to write effective web copy for your Services Page that gets proven results.

Section 1: The Overview

In the overview section introduce your products/services with a catchy headline. People scan websites, so a lame headline will often lead to the text getting skipped.

Add a description of who you are and what you do. Be clear about who your ideal customer is. You can achieve this by highlighting how you specialize in solving the #1 pain-point of your ideal customer.

Aim for 100-150 words and focus on the overall benefits of doing business with you rather than the benefits of individual services.

Section 2: The Individual Services

Now that you’ve given an overview, it’s time to write about your individual products/services.

How much space you need to devote to each service depends on the nature of your business. As a general rule, the more expensive the service, the more information you should provide.

Here are some tips that universally apply to all individual product/service listings:

  • Stick only to the details that are vital for a sale. Don’t flood visitors with more information than they need at this stage of the sales process. You can always include a link to a standalone product page.
  • Be specific about the benefits of your product/service. This may include “Quantitative” benefits like increased ROI, reduced costs, or time savings. Or they may be “Qualitative” benefits like better health, peace of mind, or more time with loved ones.
  • Avoid industry jargon. Unless your prospects are highly technical, don’t use insider terminology to explain the benefits. They’ll end up confused and bounce to a competitor’s website that uses clear, easy to understand language.
  • Know the needs of your ideal customer. If you don’t know your ideal customer, you can’t anticipate their needs, preferences, and pain-points.

Section 3: The Social Proof

When visiting your Services Page, people are thinking about making a buying decision. They’re in evaluation mode. This is the perfect time to present them with evidence of your past performance through testimonials and social media ratings.

For effective testimonials you only need three elements: (1) The problem they were facing before they called you, (2) what led them to call you plus what you did, and (3) how happy they are now. That’s it.

Testimonials are excellent, but also consider adding a couple of clear case studies.

Pricing Clarity

Depending on the types of products/services you’re listing on the page, you may or may not be able to publish a set list of prices. However, when it comes to pricing clarity is important.

Even if you don’t publish your prices, you can provide a lot of clarity about the expected cost of your product/service by associating it with the typical cost of something your customer understands.

Here’s an example: “For less than the cost of a single full-time employee, our accounting staff will expertly manage your books and find you savings you didn’t know were possible.”

Wrapping Up

We hope you found this guide useful as you create your Services Page web copy. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.